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Alliance for Renewable Energy in Agriculture and Zero Fossil Energy
The Alliance is a collaboration of six EU-funded projects working together on solutions to overcome current challenges still facing agricultural and livestock farming sectors.
The projects are: AgroBioHeat, AgroFossilFree, HyPErFarm, RES4LIVE, TheGreeFa and RENAISSANCE.
These initiatives combine the efforts of 83 unique partners across 20 countries, which have received a total of €23.14 million in funding.
We do not have a limit and are open to external entities to join us.
Our objectives
- Enhance the collaboration toward improvement of energy efficiency in the European agriculture.
- Maximize the impact and improve the quality and the relevance of the outputs generated by each of the projects conforming the alliance.
- Contribute to the 2050 climate goals of the European Union.
Benefits for members
Communication and dissemination benefits:
- Share your knowledge with a wider audience: you will be featured on the AREA ZERO website and communication materials and be part of a repository compiling reports, best practices and outcomes.
- Maximise the impact of your events: join forces to events, we host joint presentations at conferences and participate in each other’s events.
Technical validation, exploitation and replication:
- The Alliance is composed by technical stakeholders from the sector that can provide valuable feedback for validation of each project’s outcomes.
- In addition, the related projects are one of key target audiences that could leverage the outcomes for their own exploitation and replication.